Coaching for Teachers

Laura is a computer technologies teacher for high school students. Some of her students use class time as play time and take advantage of her understanding, laid back nature. She spends a large portion of her time telling them what not to do. Recently, Laura read an introductory article explaining coaching.  It opened her eyes to a different way to work with her students. She realized there is a better way to help her students reach their goals.

Laura decided to take the coach training class where she learned techniques to create buy-in and motivate follow-through. She learned how effective questioning brings understanding and commitment. Laura developed skills to identify different personalities and learning styles and how to adjust to the individual. She learned how to help her students identify obstacles and create plans to overcome them and achieve goals.

Her students now spend time deciding what they want to accomplish and on what timeline.  She asks her students to identify resources they have and want to get results. Then Laura works with each student so they develop their own action plan.  The students are now committed to their own success and Laura celebrates with them as they complete their goals.

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