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Authorized International Accreditors for Continuing Education and Training (IACET) Certification Provider
Association of Image Consultants International (AICI) Continuing Education Unit (CEU)-Approved Program
Association of Coach Training Organizations (ACTO)

The Center for Coaching Certification Resources and Information.

The Center for Coaching Certification is dedicated to supporting the coaching community and coach training graduates after they complete coaching certification.

The free webinars offered by the Center for Coaching Certification, CCC, are an opportunity to learn about coaching plus engage in ongoing continuing education.  CCC also lists webinars ICF offers members for free, webinars offered by Assessments 24/7, and other webinars of interest.

A monthly Q&A call is offered to all graduates.

CCC publishes a new book each year with chapters written by graduates, provides recommendations on books, plus publishes blogs and articles for easy access to great content.

Graduates of CCC coaching certification programs are invited to build credibility and get noticed as a coach by being a guest on a podcast, guest blogging, presenting, or writing a chapter for publication.

Graduates of CCC coach training programs have access to many tools on the coach login pages, are provided with a personal dashboard to brand for giving various assessments, may promote themselves with a listing in our online directory of coaches, and may register with our business development team to be available to coach in Coach-123 contracts.

To learn about everything offered to graduates, watch this video:

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