Get it Right versus Get it Done


get-it-right-v-get-it-done-blogSometimes people prefer to focus primarily on getting things right (35% of the population) and sometimes people prefer to focus primarily on getting things done (15% of the population).  (If you are wondering where the other 50% are then you are likely a “get it right” person – the others are a mix.)  Both “right” and “done” have value.  If one is ignored in favor of the other, then complications arise.

To ensure there is an awareness of both right and done, coaches learn through coach training that it is their responsibility to understand their client’s perspective and to expand their thinking.

Start with identifying the pros and cons of each:

Get it Right

  • Pros
    • do it once
    • credibility
    • quality
  • Cons
    • takes more time
    • different ideas of ‘right’
    • opportunity cost

Get it Done

  • Pros
    • frees time and ability to focus
    • timely follow-through
    • can do more
  • Cons
    • mistakes due to speed
    • time and money to correct
    • errors may be compounded

Coaching questions for deciding how to decide on right, done, or a balance:

  • What level of accuracy is required?
  • What level of accuracy is desired?
  • Who defines right?
  • How is right defined?
  • What is “good enough”?
  • What is the timeline?
  • What are the opportunity costs?
  • How important is it to be right?
  • How important is it to complete this?
  • What is your balance between right and done?

Ultimately the client is the one to decide on their priorities; coaching certification teaches coaches their role is to ask the questions that expand thinking and support clients in making decisions effectively.


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