The Journey to Become a Coach


cathyby Cathy Liska

Coaching is more than an up and coming profession – coaching is a way of being.  Coaching as a way of being means a positive, proactive attitude and approach to people, conversations, and challenges.

While many call themselves a coach without embarking on the journey that starts with training, the journey is what makes a coach.  Being a coach means learning the coaching competencies, living by the Code of Ethics, and applying the science of coaching in coaching sessions.

What education or training is required?    The International Coach Federation requirement for membership is 60 hours of coach specific training.

This chapter explores a personal journey to coaching while also defining and differentiating coaching.  Included are insights on the Core Competencies of a coach, the Code of Ethics, the process for becoming a coach, and finding a coach training program.

From the book:

The steps for becoming a professional coach:

  1. Find and enroll in a coach training program that is approved by the International Coach Federation.
  2. Engage fully in all class discussions, homework assignments, and practice coaching.
  3. Review class materials and practice what you learn to increase your retention.
  4. Complete the 60 hours of training required for membership with the ICF and join.
  5. Participate fully in continuing education both because it is required and to further enhance your skills.
  6. Advance your credibility further by pursuing credentialing with the ICF.
  7. If you are coaching inside of a company support the coaching program.


If you are starting your own business as a coach learn about business and marketing so you effectively create your infrastructure and offer your services.

Being hired to coach others is an honor and a responsibility.  Accept the gift graciously, authentically, and with great care for the value of the coaching relationship.  This includes earning the designation of a coach and giving the work your very best.

Read more in the full chapter of Coaching Perspectives VI.

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