New Energy

New Energy

New days, new years, new goals – all are exciting and an opportunity to energize us.  How will you maximize this time to create new energy for you?  How will that support your coachees?  How will that impact your family and friends and colleagues?  During coach training it seems so obvious when we discuss the impact our energy, goals, and focus have in multiple areas.  It is also real that we forget in the day-to-day so when events and holidays remind us, it is smart to tap that new energy. New Energy

Reflect on these questions for yourself and consider using them with coachees:

  • What do you enjoy most about the holiday / event?
  • What do you anticipate?
  • What do you want to take care of proactively?
  • How will you balance work, family, and self-care?
  • What energy do you want to tap?
  • What do you want to focus on?
  • What do you want to notice about how you feel?
  • How will you capture the positive energy and keep it going?
  • What will you learn?
  • How will what you learn impact how you approach things?
  • How will you maximize the positive energy?

Keep going with the brainstorming of questions!  Use what you learned in coaching certification to ask the open-ended, simple questions, and add to what you want to ask yourself or ask your coachees.


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