Coaching Client Progress Report

Coaching Client Progress Report

As a Certified Professional Coach, many of you are working with companies and coaching their employees – either internally or externally.  The coach must determine how to handle reporting on the progress from coaching sessions. Coaching Client Progress Report

The challenge: Satisfy the prospective sponsor (or company) that when you coach their employees (coaching clients) the reporting on progress will be useful — and then follow through, while at the same time ensuring confidentiality for the employee (or client).

The approach: Start by outlining the parameters of confidentiality and reporting in your agreement (according to the Code of Ethics).  Consider your format for reporting.  One example includes a listing of goals, actions steps, and status updates such as the form provided on the Certified Master Coach login page.   This form is accessible for CCC Certified Master Coach program graduates. 

Alternatively, tailor a form for the company based on their review process.  Some coaches design reports individually based on the coaching focus.  However you format your report, work with your coaching client to complete the form prior to submitting it to the sponsor company.   By working with your coaching client on the report, you are ensuring confidentiality.  Additionally, because your coaching relationship is based on trust, this demonstrates to the client that the coaching conversations are private.

How do you handle progress reports in a coaching relationship?

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