What to Look for When Hiring a Coach

What to Look for When Hiring a Coach

Finding a coach who is a member of the International Coaching Federation (ICF) conveys a level of professionalism. ICF is the leading organization in the growing profession of coaching. This is important because anyone can hang a sign promoting a coaching business. When one hires an ICF coach, there are training requirements and ethical standards which must be adhered to for coaches. This particular coaching method has been researched with extremely positive results. Finding ICF member coaches is the first essential step in sorting through potential coaches.

What to Look for When Hiring a CoachIn talking with a variety of potential coaches, ask what their niche is, how they came to be a coach, and what background credentials support their personal coaching niches. Coaches come from a variety of backgrounds just like all professionals, so learning more about a particular coach’s focus is a real asset.

Examples of Questions:

  • What experience do you bring to coaching?
  • Where did you train?
  • What is your affiliation with the International Coaching Federation?
  • What about coaching are you most passionate about?
  • What type of specialized coaching work do you pursue?

Once your list is down to a couple ICF coaches, consider how coaching works. Feeling comfortable with conversation, building rapport, and understanding language are all foundational and vital to a client’s ability to reach goals. At this point, it is good to know when a coach is available to work. Proximity may not play into the decision (80% of coaching is done on the telephone and this provides benefits for the client). Ask about how a coach uses electronic communication. How does a coach handle emailing information? Be sure you are comfortable with the process and with confidentiality.

First and foremost, when hiring a coach, look for someone who feels comfortable.


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