Evaluating the Efficacy of Coaching

Evaluating the Efficacy of Coaching

Evaluating the Efficacy of CoachingCompanies that invest in coaching are interested in ensuring the money is well spent.  Clients who hire a coach want to know the investment is a smart one.  Coaches building their business want to share information on the impact of their services.

During coach training, researching the studies that are available on coaching provides great insight as to what is measured and how it is measured.  TIP: Simply go to Google and enter “Coaching ROI” or “Efficacy of Coaching” or “studies on coaching” and review the information.

For coaching programs inside of organizations, managing an evaluation process is smart.  This blog series outlines points of awareness and steps to take.  The first step is determining what your want from the coaching itself and what you want from evaluating the coaching.

  1. Start with Objectives

Coaching Goals

  • What is the objective of the coaching?
    • Bottom-line impact – for example: sales numbers, turnover costs, productivity metrics, profitability
    • Behavioral Change – for example: specific leaders developing skills that impact outcomes
    • Cultural Change – for example: employee engagement and employee satisfaction metrics
  • What are the reasons for measuring?
    • Prove – specifically, to prove the coaching is making a difference
    • Improve – to learn how to improve the coaching program
    • Learn – to learn about what is happening as a result of coaching

Coaching Measures

  • What will you measure?
    • Action – this means tracking specific actions ties to performance metrics
    • Feelings – this is often simply having the coachee give their feedback in a qualitative format
    • Feedback – often pre and post 360 evaluations provide excellent feedback
    • Dollar Impact – this means tracking the bottom line and determining what percentage of change is attributable to coaching

In the next blog the factors that impact the efficacy of coaching are reviewed.

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