Science of Coaching Conference Teachings

Science of Coaching Conference Teachings

Science of Coaching Conference TeachingsThe International Coaching Federation’s Advance conference, the Science of Coaching, provided the science to define the reasons coaching works.  This week the blogs are highlighting what the presenters shared.

Margaret Moore, MBA and Biologist, started her presentation with an extensive list of her science heroes and stated that this demonstrated how much was happening with the research and science related to coaching.  She shared fascinating illustrations of brain activity based on whether you are in your head or your senses, thinking or experiencing, and whether you have a high or low control focus.  She then took the science components, in keeping with the ICF’s Core Competencies, and gave a specific process to apply in coaching.  Then, on stage, she coached a volunteer.  The significant pieces included creating a positive focus, asking about strengths, and only then asking about the challenges.  The reason is that starting with the positive prepared the client and built resilience.  Then she moved in to strategies with her client.  The application of science using the coaching competencies provided excellent confirmation and affirmation to coaches on the coaching process.

Liane Davey, Ph.D., spoke on Teaching People to Team.  The statistics she started with are amazing:

• “94% of organizations say teams will be more prevalent in the future”

• “92% say team effectiveness is critically important”

• “23% say their teams are very effective”

Given the importance of teams and their lack of effectiveness, team coaching is going to be a service that is increasingly in demand.  She is an expert working with teams and shared that “effective teams are more likely to:

  • Identify a common team goal
  • Clarify roles and responsibilities
  • Develop open communication”

Liane gave very specific insights around putting the team in context and being aware of the dimensions of team culture, team member behaviors, and organizational & team practices.

From Andrew Soren, a Leadership Coach and Consultant, spoke on Positive Psychology while at the same time modeling the concepts.  Key points from his research include:

  • “Positive emotions broaden and build.
  • “Coaching supports building high quality relationships which in turn support trust, getting tasks done, respectful engagement, and play [which means balance].”
  • Coaching builds psychological capital: hope, efficacy, resilience, optimism”

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