Personal Brand Makeover

Delby P. Bragais

by Delby P. Bragais Delby P. Bragais

Does expertise ensure a steady stream of coaching clients?
Is passion enough to magnetize potential clients?
How does one get seen and heard in a virtual world?

Years ago, having a coach was reserved for top level executives, rising celebrities, superstar athletes, and the ultra-rich. There were few other people investing in coaching services, fewer people who understood the transformational power of coaching, and correspondingly fewer coaches.

Fast forward to today when it is increasingly common for people to turn to coaching whenever they encounter challenges in their life, when they want to level up personally or professionally, or when they are in transition and seek support.  Now, there are coaches for almost all niches and areas of life.

The good news is that anyone with an internet connection and a mobile device can conveniently search for self-help and education, going online to look for coaches, consultants, books to read, and online courses amongst other things.

The not-so-good news is that with the exponential increase in online activity, shorter attention spans, multi-tasking, information overload, and the growing number of people who have jumped on the booming coaching career opportunity, standing out as a coach amidst mounting competition is more challenging than ever.

How does a coach get seen and heard in a crowded, noisy world?

In the book Coaching Perspectives X, I share about the benefits of a “Personal Brand Makeover” for coaches and consultants, the opportunities it attracts, and the 5 steps to build a powerful personal brand leading to more visibility, credibility, and profitability.  Do check out this book because it will be a gamechanger for you!

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