Ethics of Recruiting Clients

Ethics of Recruiting Clients

Marketing a coaching practice is an on-going part of being an entrepreneur, and it is a tricky one for a coach. Coaching is defined many ways by many different agencies. There are basketball coaches, coaches who teach, and the list goes on. If you are reading this more than likely you are aware of the International Coach Federation which is the leading organization in professional coaching, and the type of coaching being discussed and written about here.Ethics of Recruiting Clients

To make it even more interesting, a coach does not take credit for a client’s marvelous transformation. It is the process of coaching and the effort from a client that create the change. It is the ability to uphold the process, space, and communication skills, which are a coach’s essential job. The question becomes—how does one promote a coaching business ethically (according to ICF standards) and still get the message out that one’s coaching services are worth a prospective client’s time and money?

This is where research may be extremely helpful. Writing about the current research which heavily supports coaching success educates professionals. Communicating through presentations, getting feedback from clients, networking, and deciding which niche fits your coaching style is extremely helpful. Niches often define only a portion of a coaching practice, and as one becomes more versed in a particular market, it opens doors. This gives marketing, time management, and decision making a place to begin when getting started.

Niches assist with where to go to talk to potential clients, what research is pertinent, and how to present one’s coaching practice. Defining your niche directs your work efforts, which is vital for your ability to find potential clients.

Examples of Questions to Ask Yourself as a Coach:

  • What work experiences give you direction?
  • Which contacts will you call for networking?
  • What makes sense?
  • Who seems to find you?
  • What is your passion?

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