Coaching Core Competencies – 8 of 12

Different people say the same thing different ways and different things the same way. Clear communication requires learning assertiveness, understanding how different people express themselves, and the ability to adjust or flex to others.

The International Coaches Federation (ICF) list of Core Competencies includes Direct Communication in the category of Communicating Effectively. The description covers the use of language that is respectful, clear, and has the greatest positive impact. Often stories, examples, analogies, and metaphors enhance understanding.

Specific assertiveness techniques enhance clarity because the language is respectful and expresses the intention of the speaker. Examples include:

* Quit telling, Start asking
* Focus on the solution
* Do say what you do want
* Use I statements
* Respond to emotions respectfully
* Consider the listenerā€™s perceptions when choosing wording

Delving deeper in to effective language, the science of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) outlines how some language is self-limiting because it deletes information, distorts information, or generalizes. NLP delineates learning styles and the language of each. Recognizing focus and the impact of how people focus is an excellent tool for coaches in how to clearly communicate and ask questions.

The application of Direct Communication incorporates ethical treatment, clear understanding, respect and trust, focus, listening skills, and powerful questioning. In developing the Core Competencies, a professional coach supports their skill to communicate directly.

Direct Communication is respectful and promotes understanding.

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