Family – an Influencing Factor

Family – an Influencing Factor

How does family play a role in coaching?  At so many times throughout the year – holidays, birthdays, and special events – our focus is drawn to family.  This becomes an influencing factor in prioritizing and in considering perspective.  For a coach working with their coachee, it is essential to fully understand the coachee – including their context.  This means that when family has moved front and center for the coachee, the coach must recognize what is happening and the impact. Family – an Influencing Factor

With this awareness and application of the learning around coaching questions from coach training, here are several questions to explore the impact of family when coaching:

  • How is your thinking influenced by current circumstances?
  • How do you want to manage that influence?
  • What are your considerations?
  • Who are your stakeholders?
  • What are your values in terms of family?
  • How do your perceptions of family play a factor?
  • How does the way you perceive their perceptions influence you?
  • How does your family impact your priorities?
  • How does your family impact your decisions?
  • How do your priorities impact your family?
  • How do your decisions impact your family?
  • How do you balance yourself, your role, and your family?

Please remember that the significant holidays and events vary based on culture, beliefs, family, and more so be open to whether family has moved front and center and whether something else is happening!  The coaching competencies and PCC Markers you learned in coaching certification are your guide for serving your coachee.


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