The Influence of Word Choice on Perceptions

A picture with a bunch of words on it
A picture with a bunch of words on it
The Influence of Word Choice on Perceptions

In the world of communication, the power of words is unquestionable.  The word choices we make mold our reality.  How so?  Let’s explore the significant influence of word choice on our perceptions and how it plays a significant role in shaping our world.

Unraveling the Concept of Word Choice

Word choice is about intentionally selecting words that hit the right spot and create the desired impact.  Picture it as a carpenter handpicking tools to construct a masterpiece; similarly, we pick the words to build our message. Each word we utter or write comes with its own baggage, its own story, and its own capacity to ignite feelings or provoke thoughts in the audience.  Hence, the art of choosing words is much like walking a tightrope in the field of communication – it’s this choice that sets the tone and pitch of how a message is interpreted and absorbed.

For a different example, liken words to the array of paints an artist employs to illustrate their reality.  By simply swapping one color for another, the entire visual narrative can be dramatically transformed.  This is much like how words, when interchanged, have the power to provoke various emotional reactions.  For example, imagine being faced with a ‘challenge’. For some, this term elicits feelings of apprehension, while for others, it is seen as an ‘opportunity’ for personal growth and enrichment, and others see it as an exciting opportunity to conquer.  The underlying strength of word choice is anchored in its capacity to dictate our mental responses, stir our feelings, and even govern our actions.  Therefore, the psychological impact of words isn’t merely something to acknowledge, it is worthy of conscious consideration in our everyday exchanges.

Application in Coaching

Early on during the initial coach training program, we begin discussion communication.  We talk about being clear and respectful.  We explore examples of word choice.  As we progress, we list poison words and then phenomenal words to use instead.  Additionally, we discuss the importance of word choice in questions.  Consider these simple examples by reading each option and considering the impact on you:

  • Why did you do that? versus What motivated that?
  • You really should… versus You seem to prefer…
  • I don’t want… versus I want…

What do you notice about the word choice and how it impacts you?

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