Diversity is a currently a hot topic – over time it seems to ebb and flow in terms of public attention. Whether the focus is …
Diversity and 5 Things to Do

Center for Coaching Certification
Diversity is a currently a hot topic – over time it seems to ebb and flow in terms of public attention. Whether the focus is …
Number 28 in the ICF Code of Ethics calls on coaches to do good. What does that mean? How can we do that? It starts …
The International Coaching Federation published a statement of diversity, inclusion, belonging, and justice at https://coachfederation.org: “ICF Members and Credential-holders live and work in more than …
When you pursue a credential with the ICF, you submit one recording for the ACC or two for the PCC or MCC of yourself coaching. …
Competency 7. Evokes Awareness is defined as “facilitates client insight and learning by using tools and techniques such as powerful questioning, silence, metaphor, or analogy.” …
Competency 5. Maintains Presence says, “is fully conscious and present with the client, employing a style that is open, flexible, grounded, and confident.” The openness …
Because competency 3 is focused on the agreement, consider the entire process with a diversity lens. How the formal agreement is done – verbally or …
Competency 2 is Embodies a Coaching Mindset.  The definition for this competency is, “develops and maintains a mindset that is open, curious, flexible, and client …
Which competencies specifically address diversity?  There are several – consider both the definitions from the competencies and the competency sub points. Competency 1. Demonstrates Ethical …
Continuing with how Ethics speak to diversity, ICF Code of Ethics number 25 states to avoid discrimination by maintaining fairness and equality in all activities …