List Your Goals

The L in GOALS = Listed

Now that you have gigantic goals with opportunities to achieve them and analyzed how you will create your process through this blog series, it is time to begin listing specifics.  Whether with a business, life, or executive coach or here now, begin by developing a timeline.

How far in advance do you want to plan?  Using the list developed in this process, sort each of the goals in to one of three categories:

  • Short-term: the next year
  • Mid-term: the next 2-4 years
  • Long-term: 5 years or longer

While it makes sense to jump on planning for the short term goals, consider also what steps now set you up for success with your mid-term and long-term goals.

Reflect on your reasons for listing goals in each of these categories.  How did you choose the short-term goals?  Possibilities include necessity, ease, urgency, or desire.  What is the reason goals are categorized as mid-term?  It may be so that you have time to gather resources or because of circumstances.  How did you decide which goals are long-term?  Considerations include the size of the goal, the amount of work required, or simply the process to achieve it taking time.

Tap the knowledge of excellent coaches: understanding reasons for the timelines combined with recognizing which goals require action and when prepares you to list your steps for success.  Follow this blog for progress and success with powerful goal setting for results.

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