The International Coaching Federation, ICF, is the leader in the coaching industry. The ICF publishes a Code of Ethics for coaches (taught in the Center for Coaching Certification class for becoming a Certified Professional Coach, CPC). The ICF provides detailed information on the Core Competencies for coaches. As a professional membership organization, the ICF is working for a cohesive, collaborative standard in the coaching industry. Whether the coaching industry self-regulates or becomes government regulated, the ICF is at the forefront.
The International Coaching Federation (www.CoachFederation.org) is in the process of changing the membership requirements. Effective April 1, 2012, 60 hours of coach specific training will be a requirement for membership as a coach. If you are a member before that time and have less than 60 hours, your membership becomes provisional until you complete 60 hours of training, or complete the training and coaching requirements to become an ACC, PCC, or MCC.
The Center for Coaching Certification program to earn the CPC designation is geared for experienced, busy professionals and provides 30 hours of ICF-approved coach specific training. The Certified Master Coach program is an additional 30 hours of training so that the two combined provide the 60 hours necessary for the ICF membership.
For coaches who are a member of ICF or plan on becoming a member, explore the requirements at http://www.coachfederation.org/mer/.