Hallmark of a Great Coach: 3. Purposeful

Hallmark of a Great Coach: 3. Purposeful

Great coaches are prepared, present, and purposeful. The third of these three hallmarks is explored in here, building on the first two.

  1. Purposeful

Dictionary.com defines purposeful as: having a purpose, full of meaning; significant. Having a purpose means an intentional focus on where you are going, and the nature of coaching implies that it be positive. This requires skill. A great coach models competency and models what they invite others to do for them self.

Hallmark of a Great Coach: 3. Purposeful

  1. Positive and Proactive

Coaching is about creating meaningful change for progress and success. Of course this calls for being proactive, and it also calls for being positive. Positivity supports brain function and it motivates. Being positive also invites action.

  1. Competency

A good coach knows their stuff before implementation.  That means preparing for each coachee separately.  In group coaching that might mean preparing for the cumulative goal of the session. Fresh and applicable preparation is a bottom line requisite.  Learn.  Practice. Implement.

  1. Walk the Talk

As a coach, be vulnerable just as clients are asked to be vulnerable. One competency is being comfortable not knowing. As a coach be positive and proactive, just as clients are asked to be too. And, as a great coach, have a coach.

Be top-notch!

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