ICF’s PCC Markers Speak to Diversity

ICF’s PCC Markers Speak to Diversity

When you pursue a credential with the ICF, you submit one recording for the ACC or two for the PCC or MCC of yourself coaching. The recording(s) are assessed using what are called the PCC Markers.  The PCC Markers are the specific behaviors that demonstrate the application of coaching competencies.  As a coach submitting a recording, it is important to think about whether you are truly demonstrating your ethics and competencies, and that you are coaching in keeping with what is appropriate.

PCC Marker 4.3 says “coach acknowledges and supports the client’s expression of feelings, perceptions, concerns, beliefs, or suggestions.”  This means inviting the client based on who they are to fully express themselves, and then acknowledging what they express in a way that is respectful and supportive of them. ICF’s PCC Markers Speak to Diversity

PCC Marker 5.1 says that the “coach acts in response to the whole person of the client (the who).”  The coach works with the whole person and that means their identity, their context, and their culture, and is responsive to the whole of the client.

PCC Marker 5.4 says the “coach demonstrates curiosity to learn more about the client.”  This speaks to truly understanding them, their thinking, and their influencers as well as who they are and how their context plays into the conversation.

PCC Marker 6.1 says “coach’s questions and observations are customized by using what the coach has learned about who the client is or the client’s situation.”  This means what a coach learns about the client informs their questions which requires adapting to the client as an individual.

PCC Marker 6.5 states that “coach inquiries about or explores how the client currently perceives themselves or their world.”  It means being curious and exploring the client’s perceptions while considering context.

In PCC Marker 7.1, the “coach asks questions about the client, such as their current way of thinking, feeling, values, needs, wants, beliefs, or behavior.”  This opens the opportunity for understanding the client and their context.

PCC Marker 8.6, says the “coach partners with the client to consider how to move forward, including resources, support, or potential barriers.”  The client’s environment influences which resources are available and the potential barriers.

This blog series highlights points from the Code of Ethics, the Core Competencies, and the PCC Markers with a Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity lens.  Sometimes the connection is clearly stated and at other times it is clear that the application of the point discussed serves diversity.

Let’s keep this conversation going.

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