Your Career Narrative – A Story That Works

This 3 blog series is by Brian Beatty

I have always loved a good story. Who doesn’t? Give me an interesting character facing a worthwhile challenge, and I’m there.

I’m not alone. As it turns out, our brains are designed for stories, and neuroscience has been very busy proving it. The researchers have known for some time that certain regions of the brain are involved in how we interpret written words, and more recently the buzz is about how narratives activate many other parts of our brains as well — which is why the experience of getting lost in a story can feel so alive.

Tell a story and your brain will synchronize with your listener’s. We’ve been evolving that way for eons, and it’s shaped not just our thinking and culture, but also the way we do business.

Yes, we’re wired for storytelling, and we activate our brains more efficiently when we listen to a story.

And story, when reduced to its simplest form, connects cause and effect. That’s fundamentally how we think — in narratives, all day long, making up quick stories in our heads for every action and conversation.

If you are looking for a job, enhance your career story before your next job interview.  If you are a career coach, partner with your client to maximize their narrative.  More on this in the next two blogs.

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