Analyze Approach to Goals

analyze goalsThe A in GOALS = Analyzed

Through the earlier blog posts in this series you explored and created gigantic goals then defined the opportunities.  Next is analyzing the ‘how’ of achieving results.  A business, life, or executive coach is aware that each person is unique in how they approach planning.  Coach training programs include developing skills to identify individual preferences.  Additionally, a coach will challenge your thinking and your approach.  With your coach or here now, consider your steps for research, making decisions, and planning.

Questions to explore include:

  • What level of information works for you?
    • Do you prefer just the big picture, some detail, or lots of research?

Whichever you prefer, consider the benefits of the various options so that as you move forward your awareness is enhanced.  Specifically, if you prefer the big picture, explore whether some detail is beneficial in making your decisions.  If you prefer some detail, decide how much and also analyze from the big picture perspective.  If you prefer lots of research, how much time will you allow before making a decision?

  • What decision-making tools will you use?
    • For example, do you prefer a pro / con list, considering possible outcomes, seeking input then reflecting, analyzing the options, or going with your gut instincts?

If you have a coach, an additional option is to think out loud and talk it through with the coach listening, reflecting, and asking more questions to enhance your process.

  • What is the big-picture of your approach?
    • Is it about knowing exactly what you are doing when or going with the flow?

There is benefit to having a specific procedure and there is benefit to going with the flow; what is the balance that makes sense?

Reflecting on and responding to these questions lays the foundation for how you analyze goals and plan for success.  Follow this blog series to continue your process.

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