The Pros and Cons of Assessments

2 women, 1 white and 1 African American are sitting at a table and talking
2 women, 1 white and 1 African American are sitting at a table and talking
The Pros and Cons of Assessments

The Pros and Cons of Assessments

Who remembers this discussion from coach training?  Assessments can be helpful and there can also be a negative side to using them.  To support value, explore the reasons for the assessment and benefits in advance.  Some employers want assessments used – do discuss whether the employer receives a copy.  Pre and post coaching assessment can be helpful to measure ROI.  If an assessment is used with a private client, it is because it serves the client.  Consider the reasons for using an assessment, the pros, and the cons before deciding on one.

Assessment Pros:
·      Validated instrument providing a depth of information.
·      Creates awareness of self and the possible perceptions of others.
·      Understanding of what is behind behaviors or interactions.
·      A common language for exploration.
·      A way to highlight and maximize strengths.

Assessment Cons:
·      It may feel like someone is put in a box.
·      It becomes an excuse for behaviors.
·      It may carry assumptions that a person is always a certain way.
·      It may limit recognizing when people are in a different place because of circumstances or the topic.
·      Some clients may focus only on the negative.

Different assessments serve different purposes – following are a few examples:
·      DISC – assesses behavior profiles and is helpful with interpersonal relationships too.
·      Motivators – measures the seven universal dimensions of motivation that drive each of us: Aesthetic, Economic, Individualistic, Political, Altruistic, Regulatory and Theoretical.
·      Hartman Value Profile – measures problem solving skills and ability to avoid blind spots associated with situational bias by assessing critical thinking, judgment, and decision making.
·      Emotional Intelligence – helps users understand the correlation between the way they
·      apply their current EIQ and the outcome of their interactions with others.
·      Learning Styles – understanding learning styles offers the key to maximizing training efficiencies, enlightening management teams, and even assembling top performing teams.
·      Leadership Effectiveness 360 – will identify areas of strength and improvement opportunities while giving perspective on how the leader is perceived by others.
·      5 Disciplines – focus on the actions or disciplines that create exponential growth for a business.
·      Sales IQ Plus – is a revolutionary “sales skills test” addressing the eight primary areas of sales
·      Competency.
·      The Executive Summary – describes the strength of the three performance multipliers that
·      have the unique capacity to amplify a person’s credentials, e.g., the combination of hard
·      skills and track record of success.

Remember, if you are using an assessment, ensure there is benefit for the client.  Explore the use of assessments in advance including what will be learned and gained, and how it will be used.  Plan the use of the information to benefit the client.

In addition to assessments, remember to remain present to who your client is in the moment and flex appropriately.

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