Showing: 51 - 60 of 79 RESULTS

Defining a Good Coach

Defining a Good Coach by Materese

By Materese Roche A trained, certified coach who practices ethically, can help empower an individual to effect positive changes in their life.  So what …


Coaching: Bad or Good?

By Materese Roche Coaching, as a 21st century phenomenon, is aimed at everything from improving relationships and achieving corporate goals to personal image and …

Clients ask about coach training

So, What is Coaching?

In the previous blog post, the International Coaching Federation definition of coaching and their table explaining evaluation of coaching, highlights that coaching is different than …

Coaching Insights

The definition of coaching from the International Coaching Federation is: “partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their …


There are a multitude of coaching models and processes.  Each has value and benefits.  What is essential is that the coach understands the client so …