I Want a Coach!

I Want a Coach!

Have you ever felt as if you don’t know if you are coming or going?  Have you experienced all your ideas and thoughts jumbling together?  Are you interested in clear direction and living your purpose?  Then working with a coach does make sense for you! I Want a Coach!

How can a coach help you get a plan, a dream, a goal?  The coaching process starts with meeting with prospective coaches to choose one that feels right for you and your desires.  Next you create your agreement in terms of number of sessions.  The coach will then partner with you to explore your big picture – what you want in all areas of your life.  This brings clarity to influencing factors, competing priorities, and what is most important.  Next, the coach provides you with a tool that supports your confidence, positive, and focus.  Then you are fully empowered to choose what to work on during your coaching sessions.

How does coaching help me move forward?  Think about it this way – have you ever been given advice by a trusted friend or colleague and then simply not done it?  That is because it wasn’t your idea.  A coach partners with you to find your own answers, trusting you as your own best expert.  When you find your answers within, you own them and will follow-through.

The average return on investment in coaching is 600% and this is because you really are your own best expert, and a coach is a great partner for you being fully empowered and moving forward.


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