Changing Negatives into Positives

Beth Donovan

Beth Donovanby Beth Donovan

Are you ready to create and live a life you love?  Being a person who creates a life with a positive mindset is being a person that creates a life they love!  Our mental language, our self- talk, has the power to shape how we think and to change our actual brain chemistry and make us much happier people in general.

Most coaches already know the power of positivity.  Many coaches practice positive language in our coaching businesses as well as in our everyday lives.  That said, what is different about this chapter?

The difference is in the creative ways to turn our everyday negatives and our huge letdowns in life into positives.  This chapter gives examples of people who completely turned their lives around by embracing a positive mindset.  It delves into practical ways that we can all change our own mindsets and brain chemistry to be positivity oriented and create a spectacular life that is extraordinary.

My chapter in Coaching Perspectives IX offers guidance and suggestions for how to transform negatives into positives with simple methods.  This positive shift in mindset becomes very habit forming and the outcomes are incredible.

I invite the readers to use all the suggestions and see which ones best suit the reader’s life.  Ask yourself the questions provided at the end of the chapter and really explore.

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