Benefits of becoming a Certified Professional Coach, Part 2

In the previous posts, considering the risks of training for coaches led to asking opinions on what is appropriate. Now consider the benefits of no training versus training.

Training is available in any number of industries and professions and is a part of the budget for companies across the country. Ongoing training and development is considered standard for most professionals. In the coaching industry we see an exception: training is optional.

Benefits of Not Getting Trained:

* Save time
* Save money

Benefits of Training:

* Gain perspective
* Ethics – learn and discuss Ethics for Coaches
* Process – learn a process for coaching that empowers the client
* Learn tools and techniques
* Enhance skills
* Increase the quality of services

Other than saving time and money, what are the reasons for not getting trained? Ideally people who coach without training have an interest in sharing their expertise and helping others. Training supports the effort.

Training is an opportunity to review what you do know, receive reminders of things you forgot, and to refresh your efforts with new ideas and techniques. Training, whether specifically for coaching or in other areas, expands your thinking. As a dedicated professional serving others, training to enhance your skills, learn ethics, and expand your skills is a responsibility and a privilege.

How important do you think training is for coaches?

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