Achieve and Sustain Excellence in Coaching 11

To achieve and sustain excellence in coaching, you must develop a client base and consistently add new clients.  As in any business, this boils down to marketing.  A beginning step in marketing is defining your services.

Defining your areas of expertise and your coaching niche(s) supports excellence in coaching in several ways:

  1. Offering coaching services within a niche focuses your business development efforts.
  2. Clients searching for a coach are able to choose a coach whose expertise meets their needs.
  3. Consistently coaching within a niche expands your knowledge base and further develops your expertise in that area.

Begin by deciding on or refining your niche areas.

  • If you are new to coaching, start by listing your areas of experience, education, and passion.  For ideas on labels of
    different niche areas, visit the websites of other coaches.  On the Center for Coaching Certification website, many niche areas are listed on the pages for Executive and Life Coaching.
  • If you have been coaching, reflect on the topics of your coaching sessions.  Consider what comes up often and consider
    areas where you have been effective as a coach.  If you already have a defined niche, ask yourself whether it fits with what you do and whether you want to make any changes.

Develop a succinct description of up to three niche areas for use on your website, business card, and in conversation to enhance your excellence in coaching.

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