NLP and Coaching Part 3 of 3

Intentionally exploring options, defining goals, and achieving the desired results are the purpose for coaching relationships.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming empowers effectiveness in coaching relationships through a comprehensive outline of Meta Programs that provide excellent insight as to how people focus. There are many Meta Programs – let’s consider a few here.

Sometimes people identify what they do not want and work to avoid it. Others get specific on what they do want and move towards it. The Meta Program Towards versus Away defines the focus in detail. When a client is avoiding something, what they do not want is actually reinforced because they think about it. A coach asks the client what they do want, and guides the focus towards the goal to empower results.

If people are internally motivated, they are more likely to follow through than if there is an external factor driving them to act (Meta Program Internal versus External.) A coach simply asks the client about their motivation, and asks until the client identifies what it means to them individually.

Steven Covey promotes “proactivity.” The Meta Program, Proactive versus Reactive defines each. Coaches work with clients to develop their proactive action steps to achieve goals.

Have you noticed that while some people prefer lots of detail, others prefer an overview? This is the Meta Program of Global versus Detail. A coach recognizes which the client prefers and works with the client accordingly.

NLP provides the information and tips on how to recognize the way people think, process, and act. Coaches are more effective with the tools provided because they identify the client’s focus and empower change.

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