2 Steps for a Career Change

Michael Deane

by Michael Deane – https://www.qeedle.comMichael Deane

Spruce Up Your Resume

Even though relevant experience is beneficial, you can highlight initiatives and successes to help you change your career. Many employers are more than happy to invest in a job applicant purely based on their transferable skills.

Managers really treasure transferable skills, so you will give yourself an advantage by highlighting yours in your resume. Whatever your occupation is, you can rest assured you have gained invaluable transferable skills that will be more than useful in your new job.

The key is to identify all of them and include them in your resume. Can you find the opportunity in adversity? Write down complex problem-solving. Can you influence people in positive ways, manage conflict, and build relationships? If so, make sure to mention your communication skills. Can you coalesce people around a common goal? Then you have great leadership skills.

Make sure to show your skills. Recruiters like seeing facts and numbers. Let’s say you have included managing change as a skill in your resume. To make it stand out, you can write something along the lines of, “led a marketing campaign that cut a $900,000 loss into a $150,000 loss in 6 months.”

You can further boost your “rebranding” efforts by tailoring your applications. There is no point in pressuring yourself to send out as many applications as possible. To keep at an ideal timeline for making that career change, factor in time for actionable items like identifying suitable positions.

And, even if you get a rejection letter or two, take it as a positive sign. The palpable traction, the energy you will feel when you start sending out resumes, will be invigorating.

Avoid Naysayers

Surround yourself with friends, family, and colleagues that support you. Ignore naysayers and hang on to people that believe in you and share your goals. Seeking validation is an important part of changing careers, so make sure you do this consistently.

As an additional smart move for support, engage a coach who has earned their coaching certification.


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