10 Considerations for Job Search Coaching Part 2

In the first post, as is often the case in a first coaching session, the coaching consideration was big picture and understanding circumstances. The considerations 2, 3, and 4 covered here for job search coaching move to information gathering, focus, and research.

2. Review experience and education:
When there is a need for income, the primary focus here is to gather the information for writing a résumé and applying for work. If the focus is new opportunities for advancement, these questions serve to explore whether the education and experience is in line with goals and if there is a need to acquire specific training or experience.

* Questions to ask might include:
o Summarize your experience and education.
o What are your professional strengths and weaknesses?
o What are your specific work achievements? What else?
o What skills, experience, and expertise are important to a potential employer?
o How will you acquire additional education and / or experience to expand your opportunities?

3. Develop focus
Focus for each client varies. Some want any job they can get, others are able to take time and find an ideal job, and some for whom while income is important, it is not necessary to take anything that comes along. The coaching client sets the priorities; the coach serves to explore the realities of client circumstances, options, and to have the client decide where to concentrate their efforts.

* Questions to ask might include:
o What are your options for covering expenses during your job search?
o What are the possibilities for temporary income while you search?
o What is your process for considering jobs you don’t want and may take for the income or future opportunity?
o What are the pros and cons of positions for which you are overqualified?
o What is your ideal job?
o Describe your ideal boss.
o Describe your ideal work environment.

4. Research possibilities
When looking for a job, it is important to spend time researching job openings, companies, and future potential growth of business in the area. For a client, having a plan that includes how much time to spend researching and where to look provides direction and increases follow-through.
* Questions to ask might include:
o Where will you look for job openings? Where else?
+ Area employment services
+ Networking opportunities
+ Job board websites
o Which internet sites will be most important to your search?
o What companies will you target?
o What companies are in the media because of anticipated growth?

Which websites are you familiar with for coaching clients that are job hunting?

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