10 Considerations for Job Search Coaching

When coaching a client that is searching for a job, you may find value in combining some training or consulting aspects with your coaching work. How are you clarifying client need and the process? Job Coaching may be pure exploration, and it may include hands-on work with résumé writing and practicing for interviews. Some clients may need training on some aspects of a job search; others may want a coach to focus entirely on exploring interests and needs. As a coach, it is incumbent on you to clarify expectations and set-up the relationship parameters. This series of blog posts is geared toward the coaching process itself. The consulting or training components require subject matter expertise, so incorporating these services with coaching is based on your background.

When a coaching client is looking for a job, the coaching process serves to:

1. Understand financial, emotional, and advancement priorities
2. Review experience and education
3. Develop focus
4. Research possibilities
5. Create or enhance résumé, cover letter, and online profile
6. Target specific opportunities
7. Prepare for interviews
8. Manage the job search
9. Negotiate offers
10. Transition in to a new position<

In this series of blog posts, each of these areas is explained and examples of questions provided. Subscribe now so that you receive each post as it is published, then save the questions to use in your work. This post starts with the first consideration of job search coaching.

1. Understanding client financial, emotional, and advancement priorities: If the client is looking for a new job while they are employed, there may be more time to explore interests and find the ideal opportunity. If a client is unemployed and looking for a job, their criteria for a position may be based on financial need. Explore the client’s scenario and provide space to consider various financial, emotional, and career implications.

* Questions to ask might include:
o What is your timeline for finding a job?
o How do you feel about the job search process?
o What is your level of confidence?
o Describe your salary requirements and expectations.
o Describe your ideal position.
o What are the steps you expect to take?
o What amount of time do you expect to dedicate to the process?

In the next blog post, 2-4 are covered.

For now, share possible questions behind the questions above in a comment.

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