Great Leaders Help Others Succeed

Happy Thanksgiving!

Great Leaders Help Others Succeed

by Jacqueline Brodnitzki, President, Conscious Success

The third topic in our Leading With Heart series is: Help others succeed. One mark of a truly great leader is their desire to help those around them succeed.

Being confident and sure of themselves, and thus more open to others, they have real concern and caGreat Leaders Help Others Succeedring for helping their peers and employees.

They offer to help out, do whatever there is to be done, and they give credit where it’s due—whether to their peers or staff members.

They are the leaders who know their own strengths and weaknesses and look beyond themselves to help their employees grow. They help their team members identify what they enjoy doing the most and areas/roles for which they are best suited. These leaders help employees identify opportunities to develop additional skills and get more exposure to senior management.

They help employees identify potential career opportunities and give them work to help them move in that direction.

These actions help the leader out too. He/she is viewed as a successful developer of talent and someone who can be counted on to help when needed—a real asset to the organization.

Let’s ask ourselves this week, how can we help those around us succeed?

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