The Four Behavioral Styles – Strengths

The Four Behavioral Styles – Strengths

In this blog series the DISC styles are explored in more detail to support your understanding, plus awareness of how this assessment tool can serve your coaching clients with detailed insight. The Four Behavioral Styles – Strengths

Dominance – High “D” Style

Dominance Styles often prefer strong, directive management and operational tendencies and work quickly and impressively by themselves. They try to shape their environments to overcome obstacles enroute to their accomplishments. They demand maximum freedom to manage themselves and others, using their leadership skills to become winners. Additionally, Dominance Styles often have good directive and delegation skills. This matches their motivating need to have control over things. If they could delegate their exercise regimens or visits to the dentist’s office, they probably would. These assertive types tend to appear cool, independent, and competitive. They opt for measurable results, including their personal worth, determined by individual track records. Of all the behavioral types, they like, and initiate change the most. Some symbolize this personality type with a lion – a leader, an authority. At the least, they may have the inner desire to be #1, the star, or the chief.

Influence – High “I” Style

The Influence Style’s primary strengths are their enthusiasm, persuasiveness, and friendliness. They are idea people who can get others caught up in their dreams. With great persuasion, they influence others and shape their environments by building alliances to accomplish results. Then they seek nods and comments of approval and recognition for those results. If compliments don’t come, Influence Styles may invent their own. “Well, Harry, I just feel like patting myself on the back today for a job well done!” They are stimulating, talkative, and communicative. Often, this style is associated with a dolphin -playful, sociable, and talkative.

Steadiness – High “S” Style

An American icon, Mr. Rogers, was a classic example of a low-keyed, sincere, Steadiness Style. He visited millions of homes each day via TV for decades, with the same routine and endearing, heartfelt connection with his viewers. People still reminisce about his soothing voice and comforting delivery. His manner had a unique way of adding a sense of stability, calmness, and reassurance to everyone, regardless of age. Like Mr. Rogers, other Steadiness Styles are naturally easy to get along with, preferring stable relationships that don’t jeopardize anyone, especially themselves. The Steadiness Style may be represented by the koala with its accompanying slower, Steadiness pace, relaxed disposition, and appearance of approachability and warmth. These styles tend to plan diligently and follow through completely, helping them to routinely plug along with predictability and avoid surprises.

Conscientiousness – High “C” Style

Conscientiousness Style’s strengths include accuracy, dependability, independence, clarification, follow-through, and organization. They often focus on expectations (e.g., policies, processes, and procedures) and outcomes. They want to know how things work so they can evaluate how correctly and efficiently they function. Pictured as a fox, the Conscientiousness Style can be guarded, resourceful, and careful. Because they need to be right, they prefer checking processes themselves to be sure things are accurate and precise.

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