Showing: 1 - 10 of 11 RESULTS

How to Become a Coach

A group of people are sitting at a desk talking

The gold standard for being a coach is membership and credentialing in the International Coaching Federation (ICF) and this happens through accredited training.   The ICF …

Becoming a Coach

Becoming a Coach

What is the path to becoming a coach?  To state the obvious, as with any profession it starts with education — training. Interestingly enough, it is …

CMC versus MCC

CMC versus MCC

The second level of training at the Center for Coaching Certification is called the Certified Master Coach. The International Coaching Federation offers a credential called …

How will Mentor Coaching help me?

How will Mentor Coaching help me?

In the previous blog, you read how the International Coach Federation, ICF, defines mentor coaching from  If you are pursuing your ACC, PCC, or …

Equipping Managers to Lead

Are coaches trained?

Professional coaches are trained.  Unfortunately, there are many calling themselves a coach who do not have training.  Because coaching is a self-regulated profession, there are …