Consulting, Mental Health, Coaching – What is the difference?

① Consultant

Industry-specific Expert

* Contract work engaged primarily through connections and recommendations.

* Ability to identify and solve others problems.

* Work-focused and does not address personal concerns.

Analyze current processes and outcomes

* Spend time visiting a work site and collecting data.

* Compare what they see to what they know from their experience.

* Compare to results from comparable companies.

Develop and present a plan for change.

* Develop a plan based on what they know has worked for others in their experience.

* Recommendations are based on current knowledge.

* Implementation is generally handled by the client.

② Counselor or Therapist or Psychologist or Psychiatrist

Mental Health professional

* Specific education and training are required to earn licensure or certification.

* Mental health cannot be practiced without a license.

* Mental health includes assessment, analysis, diagnosing, prescriptions, and giving advice.

Talk about the problems and issues a client has experienced.

* Specific problem focus to work through the issues.

* Encourages repeat discussion from the client.

* Empathize and focus on the problem.

Prescribe medications, provide referrals, and give specific advice.

* Based on the client need, they tell the client what to do and how to do it.

* Medication and compliance with advice provide external motivators.

* Solutions are based what information the counselor has from the client talking.

③ Coach

* Process expertise combined with knowledge base to empower client insight and choice.

* Sees client as their own best expert in exploring possibilities and planning.

* Naturally builds the confidence of the client in their own abilities.

* Focuses on client knowledge and ask questions to elicit new insights and ideas.

* Creates opportunity for client to move to their next level and beyond.

Ask questions

* Empowers the client to think outside the box through questions.

* Creates inherent flexibility.

* Creates new possibilities because the process opens door to more options.

* Develops a pattern of forward focus and movement within the client.

Focuses client choice forward and in to action steps.

* Builds the internal motivators through client consideration of ideas and choice of action steps.

* Naturally increases follow-through because the client owns the plan.

* The process incorporates questions that are about moving towards chosen goals.

* The client feels positive and recognizes new potential.

* Creates proactive intention, enhancing results.

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