Coaching Client Expanding a Business

Imagine a coaching client calls you because they are interested in expanding their business. While they already know most of the necessary steps, they have questions. In building their business, they want to talk through specifics of what, why, and how they are doing it. The coaching client wants to explore ideas for enhancing the appeal to their potential customers and to create a marketing plan. The coaching client is interested in coaching because they want to be challenged and to tap expertise.

As their coach, what would your approach be? Consider your coaching process and whether it fits for this coaching client. Have a conversation with the client to consider how to best work together in meeting their needs.

business coachWhen I started to work with this client, together we developed a process for the coaching relationship. We started with exploring their own big picture; this meant looking at all areas of their life in addition to the business. This afforded greater understanding moving forward, and the ability to check ideas against how they fit with over-all goals. Next we honed in on the ideas for the business. By exploring together, the client fine-tuned their plan and enhanced their work for the business. Before implementing new ideas, we brainstormed branding and a marketing approach. As we continued working together, we explored options for expanding their client base through quality customer service and options for follow-up.

As a coach, working with this client is a privilege. It is an opportunity to experience the value of providing perspective and empowering the client to create their own plan. The client shared that they felt their business is more successful and they are more balanced as a result of coaching.

What is a great experience you have had coaching?

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