Coaches – Rock the Room with these 8 tips! Part 2 of 3

In the first post of this series we looked at the opening of a presentation and at politically-correct humor: poking fun at yourself. Many coaching skills transfer to presenting as with the next three tips in this blog post. Coaches that have gone through training (and many others through their career) have learned information on personalities and on learning styles. Each person thinks, processes, and decides in their own way. How are you making sure your presentation works for everyone in the room?

3. Connect and establish rapport.
* Does every participant in the audience respond the same way? Do they each enjoy the same style of presentation? The easy way out is to connect with those that have similar personalities. Is that enough? Some people in the audience want to know the point of your content, where it will get them personally, and what documentation you have to back up the information. The other half of your audience wants to hear human interest stories and feel your personality. Now complicate it further: some what an overview, with a slow, easy, step-by-step process with lots of explanation along the way. Others want you to make your point and move on already.
* Create a plan to meet each need in the room. Blend the styles. Develop your content in a way that each person gains from the style of the presentation. Establish rapport with the different styles by giving each a bit of what works for them individually.
When you blend components for each preference, your presentation gives more to each person. This increases acceptance for different styles and provides information in a way that works for everyone. Think about client-focused coaching – this is client-focused training.
4. Develop the pain (yes, really.)
* Is it easier to continue with habits and routines or easier to change? Until the pain of remaining the same is great enough, the pain of changing is too great.
* What happens if nothing changes? Explore the implications. Dig in to what is happening now and the path current patterns follow.
Statistics cite a retention rate of as low as 5% from training or an improvement rate of just 22% with training alone. Enhance follow-through by empowering each participant to recognize for themselves whether they want change and how much effort they are willing to put in to making it happen. Following training with coaching provides an 86% improvement.

5. Explore the possibilities.
* Does your audience like you if you leave them in their pain? Do they want hope? Are general, grandiose statements such as, β€œIt will all work out,” meeting their need? In their mind, your solution does not work in their situation.
* What are the options? Does your audience believe they can use that particular option? How can you open the door to acceptance of the possibilities? How can the participant walk out the door confident that they understand? Build this in from the beginning with pre-calling human nature to dismiss ideas and a challenge to ask themselves how they could use the solutions. When you are presenting the solutions, ask them how they will tweak it to apply the concepts in their situation.
Coaches focus on solutions; presentations provide an ideal opportunity for brainstorming solutions and for motivating the audience to take action after the presentation.

Share your coaching examples or ideas in a comment here:
* How do you develop rapport with different personalities?
* How does developing the pain empower a client to create change?
* How important is it to consider multiple options?

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