Coaches “Know Can Do!”

Review of the book “Know Can Do!” by Ken Blanchard, Paul J. Meyer, Dick RuheCoaches

The gap between the great information presented in books, seminars, and courses and what people apply is the reason for this book. I believe it is a must read for any coach, trainer or speaker.
Coaching is listed as a key tool to enhance follow-through.

Because hearing something once does not create change, this book looks at the need for six spaced repetitions of information, and describes what happens each time. The time we hear it, occurs:


1. Reject – the first time we hear the information we reject it.
2. Resist – the second time we hear a concept we resist it.

3. Partially accept with reservations – the third time we hear the same idea, we have reservations although we begin to accept it.

4. Accept – by the fourth time through, we accept the information.

5. Partially assimilate – the fifth time we begin to assimilate the information within our own thoughts and start to apply it.
6. Fully assimilate – the sixth time repetition has us applying the concepts.

The book identifies three reasons why people do not really learn and apply the information:

1. Information Overload

1. Only a small fraction of the information is retained.

2. People should learn less more and not more less.

3. Focus on a few key concepts.

4. A natural result of spaced repetition is assimilation which becomes a skill.

2. Negative Filtering

1. We learn self-doubt growing up.

2. Self-doubt creates the negative filter because we learn to judge by example, so we begin judging others and judging new information.

3. The negative filter means we learn less because we do not process all the information before rejecting it.

4. A positive, open mind is the way to ensure growth. If left to chance, our natural tendency it the negative filter. We must decide to be open-minded.

5. Decide to intentionally listen with an open mind and choose to find how the information could work or be applied.

3. Lack of follow-up

1. Successful people yearn to learn and have a plan for learning. A passion to learn inspires a positive, open mind.

2. Practice doesn’t make perfect, perfect practice makes perfect. If we practice it incorrectly, we reinforce the incorrect effort.

3. Accentuate the positive. Start with a complement and positive reinforcement.

4. One-on-one meetings or telephone coaching close the knowing to doing gap.

5. Share what you have learned and teach others.

As a coach, speaker or a trainer, the question becomes, “How can I create an opportunity to openly consider concepts, plan repetition of information for learning, and develop action steps for application?”

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