3 Reasons for a Coaching Niche 2 of 3

In the previous blog post, one reason for a coaching niche was marketing. Now consider the value to your coaching clients when you have a niche. It starts with how well you know and understand your client and their situation. When you know and understand your client, developing rapport comes naturally. The greatest indicator of a successful coaching relationship is rapport.

When you define a coaching niche, you involve yourself completely in knowing your ideal client. You research and learn more about their interests, challenges, and goals. With a defined niche, it is possible to keep current on what is happening in their world.

Yes, there is a balance; if you know too much there is a risk of falling in to an advisory role instead of coaching. A successful coach keeps current in their clients areas of interest so they know what questions to ask and how to support exploration of ideas.

The Harvard Business Review cited the top two reasons for hiring a coach: experience coaching in a similar setting and a clear methodology. The clear methodology is a different blog series; experience coaching in a similar setting speaks to a defined niche. Meeting the needs of the client is what coaches do and it supports results.

A coaching niche is an area of expertise and coaching clients value that expertise because coaches serving as a sounding board and as a strategy partner have the knowledge base for effective coaching sessions.

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