By Patrick Bailey
1. A coach is an accountability partner.
A coach canprovide accountability by checking in with the client about their daily habits. They can also support the client in planning reminders for certain medications or tasks that are essential to a person’s recovery. This additional feeling of “I have an accountability partner” can keep the person from relapsing into old habits.

2. A coach is a partner for motivation.
An individual in recovery from addiction might find themselves at a critical point–they might be close to giving up staying clean, or they’re at a point where they’re so tempted to take just one little piece of temptation. Having a coach can be a lifesaver, as is a tool and provides tools to motivate somebody to just keep going.
Additionally, a professional with coach training knows how to create and support ongoing motivation for a person.
3. A coach is a listening ear.
Coaches are open and inviting. Coaches accept individuals as whole people. Coaches recognize addictions are caused by many factors, and support individuals in exploring what they want to be aware of, triggers, and how they will move past challenges in the future.
As an alternative to attending luxury addiction treatment centers, a person may also find an addiction coach whom they feel comfortable confiding with. Sometimes, just the feeling of being able to unload tightly-kept emotions and thoughts then choose how to move forward can support a better way to travel on the road to recovery.
4. A coach is on your side and acknowledges you for your progress.
Motivation that is internal is long-term. The way a coach acknowledges a clients gives a nice external affirmation while supporting building internal motivation. A coach will see you as a great person. A coach will understand you as a person, and give you positive remarks on your progress and ask you how you are acknowledging yourself. Positive reinforcements are valuable for people who struggle from addiction–every small step is a victory.
5. A coach can offer resources.
Coaches are trained with a process to empower identifying and accessing a resources. Often coaches also have experience themselves or with other clients so they know a lot about the goals an individual is planning to achieve–whether it’s a lifestyle change, a long-term plan, or success in any area of their life. Coaches help find, explore, and may also offer great resources. Experienced addiction coaches have expertise with short-term goals that people can take to get out of addiction, what habits can be incorporated, and which strategies are effective to overcome withdrawal symptoms and so can ask questions to help people create their own strategies.
With the right choice of a certified coach, there is a higher chance of overcoming even the strongest of addictions.