Coaching Excellence 4 of 10

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coach certificationCoaching is an uncontrolled industry. Anyone can say they are a coach and offer coaching services, and many do because they want to help. Coming from my own experience, it seemed that coaching was simple and straight-forward and I felt comfortable with my work and life experience, so I coached. Ah, wish I knew then what I know now.

Coach-specific training absolutely makes a difference and all coach training programs are not created equal. Additionally, participation does not guarantee learning. An excellent coach researches different coaching-specific programs to determine what serves their learning needs and style, and then fully participates in the training.

Coaching-specific training programs that support excellence in coaching address the 11 Core Competencies published by the International Coaches Federation.

During training programs and upon completion, excellent coaches ensure they apply their newly acquired knowledge and skills with clients to further enhance their experience. Some newly-certified coaches volunteer with not-for-profits or offer discounted rates to their initial clients.

Excellent coaches actively seek opportunities to broaden and deepen their experience with ongoing training, continuing education, and coaching. To add value, many coaches have a coach. If a coach does not have a coach, do they believe in the value of coaching? Excellent coaches have a coach.

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