Coaching after a Disaster

When disaster strikes, whether a natural disaster, family emergency, or a fire, what is the role of a coach? Start by considering the need of the client.

* If the client has been traumatized, is extremely angry, experiencing heavy grief, or depressed, then the client is better served by a licensed mental health professional that is trained to meet their need. Coaching in those circumstances probably amounts to practicing without a license.
* If the client is looking for decision-making tools, a sounding board, a focus on moving forward, then coaching provides value.

The role of the coach after a disaster starts with determining whether the client is better served by a different professional, then if coaching is appropriate, the coach is the sounding board, focus partner, and strategy coaching after disaster partner.

If a coach does not know if the client is better served by a different professional or the coach, have the conversation. Ask the client what outcome they are seeking. Talk about how coaching is different. Create the opportunity for the client to consider their own needs and make the right choice for them.

When coaching does make sense, the client chooses their priorities, explores their options, considers different perspectives, makes decisions, and creates and action plan with the coach in the role of listening, asking questions, providing perspective, and supporting the focus on future actions.

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