Achieve and Sustain Excellence in Coaching

Excellence in coaching; how is it achieved and sustained?  Ultimately, excellence in coaching is a combination of skill, ethics, business savvy, marketing, and quality service.  Achieving it is a process and sustaining it requires consistent effort.

Whether planning to build a coaching business or to provide coaching within an organization, achieve and sustain excellence by ensuring you have a solid foundation in these areas:

  • Competency – Competency is a starting point because coaching is a learned skill and excellence requires continuing to learn and develop your coaching skills.
  • Ethics – Ethics in business ensure growth and long-term sustainability.
  • Business Start-up and Set-up – Business management determines viability.
  • Defining Coaching Services – Developing focus by defining coaching services means you have the foundation for a consistent effort and coaching clients know what you provide.
  • Marketing Coaching – Marketing, whether as a business or internally in an organization, is essential for building a client base.
  • Coaching Service Quality – Quality of your coaching services is a deciding factor for whether people continue using your services and whether they will recommend your services.

Achieving and sustaining excellence in coaching does require hard work.  Follow this blog series now and with each post take the next step to achieve and sustain excellence as a coach.

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