Coaching Core Competencies – 1 of 12

Core Competencies are the skill set for a professional. Because a professional coach is deeply engaged with the career and life of their client, learning these skills is preparation for offering coaching services. Developing competency takes time. Many coaches have a high level of experience and education before transitioning to professional coaching. An effective training program builds on existing knowledge and provides the perspective on the difference in applying skills as a coach versus in other career fields.

The International Coaches Federation (ICF) details 11 core competencies for coaches. This provides an excellent tool for coaches to evaluate their skill set, recognize their level of effectiveness, and consider expanding their abilities. When looking for a coach training program, look for a class that covers each of these competencies.

Coaching clients benefit because when a coach is well-trained, the outcomes of the coaching relationship are enhanced. Because coaching clients value the skill of their coach, the perception of the profession as a whole is enhanced.

The Core Competencies identified by ICF include:

1. Ethical Guidelines
2. Coaching Agreement
3. Trust and Intimacy
4. Coaching Presence
5. Active Listening
6. Powerful Questioning
7. Direct Communication
8. Creating Awareness
9. Designing Actions
10. Planning and Goal Setting
11. Accountability

At the Center for Coaching Certification, the coaching model is the staircase to success, and the foundational support for the staircase includes training, competency, and ethics. The support is in place before beginning the journey up the staircase to the client’s level of success.

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