Coaching Excellence 8 of 10

Experience and skill prepare a coach for offering their services. A process for coaching ensures effective application of the coach’s knowledge. From the client’s perspective, a process creates trust and serves their exploration of possibilities and strategies. An excellent coach has a coaching model and process in place.

The coaching process begins with an understanding of what coaching is, what the boundaries are, expectations of the client and the coach, scheduling and fees, and a Code of Ethics. Initially there is a verbal conversation, and then when the client and the coach both identify working together as an effective relationship, the coach provides a written agreement.

Among other things, a written agreement provides for the parameters of the coaching relationship, ensures confidentiality, and details the logistics of the agreement. Reviewing and signing this agreement starts the relationship with clear understanding and respect. This in turn supports developing rapport and trust.

An excellent coach considers the importance of what is in the agreement and of how it is written. Sometimes the coach and the client make changes to the agreement to best serve the relationship and outcome goals. The excellent coach seeks to provide an agreement that is clear and effectively serves both the client and the coach in the coaching relationship.

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