5 Indications You Will Be a Good Coach

Will I be a good coach

People often ask how they can know whether they will be a good coach.  Some want to transition into coaching during their careers, and some as an after-career.  Many wonder and ask about their experience and skills being appropriate for coaching.  Coaching is a learned skill, and most can learn it; many do have a natural capacity for it.  Here are 5 Indications that you will be a good coach: Will I be a good coach

  1. You Care Whether You Will Be a Good Coach – the fact that you are even worried or wondering indicates that you care enough to learn how to do it well.
  2. You Invest in Learning the Coaching Competencies and Ethics – becoming a coach is a journey and, as with all professional journeys, starts with education or training. Training in coaching is an investment of your time and money.  During coaching certification, you will learn the Core Competencies of a Coach – the specific skills for being a good coach.  As you continue in the program you will practice with tools and techniques plus practice coaching to develop your skills and competence.  Coach training also includes learning the Code of Ethics – we have fun talking about different scenarios and what to do based on the ethics.  Investing in this learning journey is you investing in yourself so that you become a good coach.
  3. You Believe in Being Positive and Proactive – coaching is, per the International Coaching Federation, “partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.” Coaching is a focus on future goals.  Efficacy involves being a positive and proactive partner.
  4. You Prefer Partnering Over Directing – teachers, trainers, consultants, managers, mentors, and other service professionals give direction and answers. Coaches partner with clients in a specific process for the clients to discover their own direction and answers.
  5. You Know It Is a Privilege to Be a Coach – when a client trusts a coach, they will be open and share. Their vulnerability is a gift, and it truly is a privilege to be on the journey with them.

Good coaches are people who care about other people and are interested in having a positive impact in service to their success.

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