3 Ls to Make Positivity a Habit

3 Ls to Make Positivity a Habit

What is Positivity?  It is a choice to intentionally be optimistic, supportive, encouraging, affirming, and self-assured.

What happens without it?  The opposite of positivity is negativity.  Negativity leads to poor health or worse.  It can result in mental health issues.  It slows people down and limits their productivity.  Negativity is a constraint.  Unfortunately, the human brain is wired for negativity.  Originally this was self-defense and unfortunately that bias remains.  According to Jack Canfield, 77% of the information we process is negative.  According to Letter.ly, 90% of news is negative and people are more likely to be interested in negative news.

3 Ls to Make Positivity a Habit
3 Ls to Make Positivity a Habit

What happens with positivity?  Positivity supports optimal health, increased opportunities, and a fulfilling, happy life.  Positivity results in a healthier, longer life.  Because being positive is counter-intuitive, it is a choice we make and work for daily.

How can you make positivity a habit?  Choose it, commit to it, and challenge yourself to follow through.  Here are three key action steps:

  1. Learn – learn about the impact of being negative versus positive. Learn your triggers for each.  Learn tools and techniques to manage triggers.
  2. Language – use positive, proactive language in your thinking and in your everyday vocabulary. This takes work because normal language patterns are negative.  Lists of negative and positive words are easily found online.
  3. Live – live positivity each day. Be grateful and appreciative.  Show respect and kindness.  Choose positivity each morning and continue choosing it all day.

It takes time to change a habit (research varies so let’s go with 30 days).  It takes more time to make a new habit the new normal that you revert to (six to twelve months).  Choose positivity, commit to positivity, and challenge yourself to follow through.

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