Achieve and Sustain Excellence in Coaching 3

Coach-specific trainingand practice for coaching are both musts for excellence in coaching.

  • If have not yet attended a class to train coaches, it is essential you choose one and participate fully.  Currently there are well over 300 choices with the time commitment ranging from a few hours to ten years and the price ranging from a few hundred to over ten thousand.  On the Center for Coaching Certification YouTube Channel, there is a video of a webinar on coaching certification.  Live webinars are offered monthly.  Learn about the pros and cons of certification and what to look for in a program.
  • If you have already gone through a coach training program, the focus is on continuing education.  The International Coaching Federation, ICF, and many coaching organizations require continuing education.  At the Center for Coaching Certification, 12 hours of continuing education is required every two years to maintain certification.

Perhaps you are familiar with the saying “practice makes perfect” or alternatively “perfect practice makes perfect” as the newer, more applicable version.  This is true for excellence in coaching too.  For this reason, training programs for coaches generally include the opportunity to practice coaching.  Additionally, many coaches hire a coach to serve as a resource for their own work in coaching.

Enhance your excellence in coaching with both coaching practice while in training and having a coach.

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