Noteworthy Details in the New Code of Ethics

Noteworthy Details in the New Code of Ethics

In addition to the overall format changes in the International Coaching Federation’s, ICF’s, Code of Ethics described in the previous blog, there is value in looking more closely at some of the detailed information that is different.   Noteworthy Details in the New Code of Ethics

For example, there are five additional definitions in the new Code of Ethics.  First, two definitions, that of Student and Roles in a Coaching Relationship are no longer included.  Professional Coaching Relationship changed to Coaching Relationship.  ICF Coach changed to ICF Professional.  New definitions include Code, Confidentiality, Equality, ICF Staff, Internal Coach, Support Personnel, and Systemic Equality.  Noteworthy in these changes are the addition of Equality and Systemic Equality.

Before exploring additional changes, it is important to note that for the first time the ICF has published Ethics Interpretive Statements, EIS, at  This adds so much depth to the standards themselves.

Additional details that are important in the Code of Ethics include:

  • The move of confidentiality and conflicts of interest points to be contained within Responsibility to Clients. Because of the EIS information, the points are covered and additional clarity is provided.
  • The addition of standard number 10 addresses being sensitive to the implications of multiple relationships.
  • Standard 11 is focused on the potential risks of power differences.
  • Standard 25 includes respecting local rules and cultural practices within fairness and equality.
  • In standard 28 it goes beyond avoiding bad to doing good.

During your coach training discussion will include how you are being as a coach.  ICF’s Code of Ethics and Core Competencies direct coaches earning their coaching certification to embody integrity and ethics in our being and mindsets.

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