Strategize Intention to Achieve Goals

commit energy and effortThe S in GOALS = Strategized

Imagine for a moment that someone you know and trust gave you the ideal plan for your life and achieving success.  Would you be committed to making it happen?  Chances are… no.  Ultimately, as business, life, and executive coaches realize, commitment comes from within and commitment is key for achieving results.

What is your commitment to making it happen?  Through this blog series you explored your gigantic goals, opportunities, analyzed your approach, listed your steps, and are now reflecting on your strategy.  Reflect also on your attitude.  How do you feel about your goals?  How do you feel about your plan?  What does it do for you?  What is the benefit and value?  Perhaps you have heard the saying about how attitude is the determining factor for altitude:  If you are hesitant, unsure, or doubtful, chances for success are minimized.  If you are excited and enthusiastic and convinced your plan is great, you will make it happen.

What is your level of energy for working on your goals?  Sometimes energy is negative or controlled by external factors – this results in short-term and limited progress.  When your energy is positive and controlled internally, success is achieved more efficiently and easily.  It is possible to choose positive, internally controlled energy – just ask a coach!

Will you make the effort to achieve what you want?  Using the process described in this blog series, ideally with the support of a great coach, commitment, and positive energy, it takes less effort to achieve more — and the paradox is that you are willing to put in more effort!

For long-term results follow this blog series now for the next posts.

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